Recent Presentations on IOTA Project

  1. M. Buddhikot,  Integration of 802.11 and Third Generation Wirelesss Data Networks, IEEE Infocom 2003, San Francisco, April 2003 (Long version)
  2. Scott Miller,  Bell Labs IOTA Technology Assets, IOTA Project Summary Presentation
  3. M. Buddhikot,  Efficient Authentication and Key Distribution in Wireless IP Networks, UCSB Collquim Talk, Nov 2001.
  4. K. Singh,  MobileNAT: A New Technique for Mobility Across Heterogenous Address Spaces, Sept 2002,  Bell Labs Presentation
  5. M. Buddhikot, MobileNAT: A New Technique for Mobility Across Heterogenous Address Spaces, First ACM Workshop on Wireless Mobile Applications and Services on WLAN Hotspots (WMASH 2003) , Held in conjunction with Mobicom 2003, Sept 19, 2003, San Diego.
  6. M. Buddhikot, New Technologies for Integrated Public Wireless Networks, OpenSig 2003, Columbia University,  Oct 9, 2003.
  7. M. Buddhikot L. Salgarelli,  Public Wireless Networks: Technologies behind Anytime, Anywhere Network Paradigm,  A Full-day Tutorial , IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM 2002,   Taipei, Taiwan, Nov, 2002.
  8. Milind Buddhikot,  Stelios, Sidiroglou-Douskos, Scott Miller,  Managed, Secure, Auto-Configuring Ad-hoc Relays for 802.11 and 3G Range Extension and Ephemeral Hotspots, Sept 2003.


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